Communication Videos

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Active listening


Listening, and active listening especially, is a fundamental part of communication. Learn how to listen better to your companions with the tips presented in this video.

Active listening2015-05-19T16:40:28+02:00

Reading body language


Knowing tactics on how to read body language can be very useful both during conversations and presentations. Discover some of these tactics in this video!

Reading body language2015-05-19T16:34:09+02:00

Presenting with confidence


Our confidence can have a considerable impact on the outcome of our presentation. Learn how to boost your confidence before a big presentation with this video

Presenting with confidence2015-05-19T16:55:16+02:00

Keeping a presentation interesting


This video contains some tricks and tips on how to keep the audience interested during your presentation

Keeping a presentation interesting2015-05-19T16:55:23+02:00

Eye contact


Watch this video to learn how to use eye contact efficiently when you communicate

Eye contact2015-05-18T17:43:42+02:00